
Crutches for Sale Australia

Crutches have existed since time immemorial as a support tool in case of injury or disabling by a disease. A crutch’s existence can be traced back to 2380BC when the first photo was seen at an Egyptian of a man leaning on a crutch. Since then, they have become popular as support devices. The design of crutches has also evolved from the traditional heavy ‘T’ shape to light aluminum braces. Today, the crutches are fitted with energy storing tips as well as ice gripping that helps in different weather conditions. Crutches also have slip resistant appliances and shock absorbers for smooth walks irrespective of the terrain.


Crutches have specific functions that ensure your body remains firm and stable. First, a elbow crutch reduces weight on one of your legs or body parts depending on where you are injured. When one organ in a pair is injured, the body tends to depend on the other for support. This normally leads to strenuous activities and wear-tear of the body organ that is functioning. In such a case, crutches work as assistive tools to balance the weight.

Secondly, crutches broaden your support base. In the case one of your legs is injured, there is a high likelihood that the body will trip if you try to move without any assistance. Crutches act like a second foot to improve body stability and balance. It acts on the basis of center of gravity. The wider and lower the base, the more stable an object is.

Additionally, the weight reduction and broadening support base help in upright posture. The stability helps in transmitting energy through the sensory nerves of the hands to other parts of the body. People with paralysis and relating body complications also benefit from crutches with respect to upright body posture. Crutches also help people in wheel chairs to maneuver places the chair cannot go.

Types of crutches

Auxiliary crutches are the most common types. They are made of wood or aluminum and extend to the position of the hand. The arms are adjusted according to an individual’s height.

Platform crutches go up to the armpit. They also extend to the elbow to avoid contact and abrasion with the body.

Other common types include; strutter crutch, forearm crutch, elbow crutch, and leg support crutch.

We deliver all our crutches, forearm crutch, elbow crutch, and leg support crutch to Melbourne, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane, Gold Coast (QLD) and all other major cities in Australia.